Cat Breeder, Show Judge & Digital Mentor
My Goal
To help NEW CAT BREEDERS go from feeling intimated, confused & having trouble getting started to confidently breeding happy & healthy cats whilst enjoying this amazing hobby.
"What greater gift than the love of a cat"
Charles Dickens - Author

The Beginning
I have been breeding cats since 2004 and in that time I have seen a lot of changes in our hobby.
Back then we used email group chats, Facebook didn't exist and the Cat Fancy was pretty set in it's way.
Over time I realised that there was not a lot of knowledge being shared plus quite a lot of resistance to trying anything new.
The saddest thing I was finding was that there were not many people willing to give up their time to help mentor and guide new breeders.
When I shared my own breeding experiences online I started to get people contacting me with questions.
They would start with "I hope you don't mind me asking but no one else will help me..."
From that Cat Breeding For Beginners was born.
How Things Evolved
Now I am happy to help, lets face it, I love it, but I am also a very busy person. I have my own cats plus I exhibit at shows and I'm a cat show judge. I also have my own business outside of cats plus a lot of family commitments.
After answering the same new breeders question for the fourth or fifth time I decided maybe there was a better way to do things.
That led me to creating a YouTube Channel. I have shared videos with tips and guides plus discussed important breeding topics. I also share my own experiences and how I set up my cats areas.
But here is the thing. I made the videos to answer questions and make my life easier. It sort of had the opposite effect. They were so popular and people wanted more but videos take time to film and edit.
That's when I had the great idea of a podcast. That is a lot quicker to put out and I can discuss issues in a bit more depth. It's also easier for you to get the information. You can even listen to it in the car!
Next came a Stud Cats Mini Course and then a New Cat Breeders Club for Newbie breeders.
I love helping new breeders. It's been fun and very rewarding.

More Facts About Me
I have been a Royal Canin Ambassador for many years. It's an honour to represent the brand I use and love.
My cats are my passion but I also love to garden and cook. I even collect moth orchids.
My real job is as the owner of a busy day spa and beauty salon.
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