The New Cat Breeders Club

It's closed but lets get you on the waitlist.

Get on the waitlist and be the FIRST to know when we reopen. 

Why join the club?  The connection to other new breeders in a safe & supportive environment.  My Newbies LOVE IT.   There are also monthly videos, workshops, meetups & even more exclusive resources to help you breed happy, healthy cats with confidence.  

What do my Newbies think about the New Cat Breeders Club?  Read below...

New Cat Breeders I Have Helped

NAME - Kim Buckley

"Im so grateful for everything you are doing for everyone here. You are such an amazing woman to do this. It must be using up so much time to do all these videos for us all. Thank you again Pamela!"

NAME - Juanita Locke

"I just want to say that I really feel like I have grown so much since joining this club, I’m more confident in my decisions and have learnt so much but humble enough to know that there is so much more to learn.
It’s a wonderful feeling knowing that if I need help I can get it here .
So I guess this is a appreciation post to Pamela Lanigan and everyone else in the group for making cat breeding for beginners a beautiful place 😻."

NAME - Gemma Lloyd

"Brilliant videos Pamela thank you again and for this wonderful group where we all support and help one another. "

NAME - Morgan Laudisio

"This was so wonderful Pamela, you have done a great job. Knowing that there is help here when we need it, between you and all the others is fantastic. Making new friends is a bonus"

NAME - Helen Richardson

"Thank you I learnt a lot that is hard to find out about breeding cats ,you seem down to earth and true a rare thing . Thank you"

NAME - Heather Turriff

"Thank you so much I was thinking of giving up trying to become a registered breeder and shower but you have given me so many great ideas and encouragement..still learning and getting breed knowledge base but will be actively looking for a cat soon."