New Cat Breeders, Learn to Breed Happy & Healthy Cats

New Cat Breeders Club

Let's connect, learn and gain confidence together

Why join the club?  For the connection to other new breeders in a safe & supportive environment PLUS monthly videos, workshops, meetups & even more exclusive resources to help you breed happy, healthy cats with confidence.  


CONNECT With Others

LEARN Important Topics

Get HELP When You Need It


Confused? Stressed or Unsure?

So you're a new cat breeder but you're finding it hard to get started? Not sure if you are doing things the right way? Maybe you'd like a mentor but no one seems interested. Perhaps you have had a few negative experiences and are wondering if it's all worth it?

Breeding cats is not as simple as you might think. Aside from the cats there is so much more to being a breeder. From learning about pedigrees and paperwork to dealing with kitten buyers, going to cats shows and interacting with other breeders.

For me it was a bumpy ride at the start but nearly twenty years on I still love the hobby. I know you will love it too. Lets make it an easier journey than mine. When you join the New Cat Breeders Club you get my help and so much more.




Cat Breeding Hobby?

The New Cat Breeders Club is the BEST way to learn how to breed happy, healthy cats with confidence.  

Not everyone can find a mentor to teach them, guide them and help them. The New Cat Breeders Club is about bringing people together in a judgement free zone where we can all help each other be better cat breeders.

It's a space for you to connect, learn and engage with other new breeders. It's also a place to go for education on all the important topics you need to know about when you are first starting out.  Explained in a simple and practical way to help you make progress with your new hobby.

I am so excited to have a place for new breeders to connect with me and with each other. Let's enjoy this rewarding hobby together. 

"Thank you so much Pamela for the Club. It’s the best, easiest and non judgemental way to find out about cat breeding for beginners!! So if you are new to cat breeding and want to find out about everything the easy way…join the club!"

Gretchen P


From me and from other Newbies just like you.  We all help each other through the good and the bad.  


Son much more than you could ever read online or in a book.  We have regular education but we also share what happens to us for the benefit of everyone.  


We lift each other up and we celebrate our progress.  Get ready to do things you never felt you could before from contacting other breeders, dealing with your vets to going to cat shows.  We will be with you are cheering you on. 


Hello there!  I'm Pamela

And I've been breeding cats for over twenty years  

When it comes to breeding cats I have a lot of experience. I have owned & bred so many beautiful British Shorthair cats and kittens over my many years as a registered breeder. I also enjoy handling other exhibitors cats & kittens as a cat show steward and cat show judge.  

But let me tell you a story about how things were for me at the start and my friend Sarah.

When I first joined the cat fancy it was a big drama.  Sure, it started out okay with my first cat but went a bit crazy from there.  I have had breeders turn against me, complaints made to my association by other exhibitors, lost expensive deposits, been told my cat can't be shown, bullied online and offline, the list goes on and on.  I don't tell you that to scare you.  I tell you that to explain that I have been there.  It's a huge part of how I help my Newbies navigate the world of cat breeding.  My own experiences.

But what about Sarah.  Well she is a Newbie just like you.  She is a member of the New Cat Breeders Club but she also lives a few hours from me.  We have the same breed of cats and are in the same association.  We even go to shows together.  Sarah has not had the same drama, (especially the people related drama) that I had to go through.  

I am jealous of that.

But I also know a lot of it has to do with our friendship and her connection to other Newbies in the Club.  I have helped steer her through and past the drama.  And I want to do that for you to.    

It's hard to reach out for help.  We are all scared of feeling judged, getting criticised for doing the wrong thing.  Let me give you a place to learn and get support.  A place to share the joy that your new hobby can bring. 

Hello there!  I'm Pamela

And I've been breeding cats for over twenty years  

When it comes to breeding cats I have a lot of experience. I have owned & bred so many beautiful British Shorthair cats and kittens over my many years as a registered breeder. I also enjoy handling other exhibitors cats & kittens as a cat show steward and cat show judge.  

But let me tell you a story about how things were for me at the start and my friend Sarah.

When I first joined the cat fancy it was a big drama.  Sure, it started out okay with my first cat but went a bit crazy from there.  I have had breeders turn against me, complaints made to my association by other exhibitors, lost expensive deposits, been told my cat can't be shown, bullied online and offline, the list goes on and on.  I don't tell you that to scare you.  I tell you that to explain that I have been there.  It's a huge part of how I help my Newbies navigate the world of cat breeding.  My own experiences.

But what about Sarah.  Well she is a Newbie just like you.  She is a member of the New Cat Breeders Club but she also lives a few hours from me.  We have the same breed of cats and are in the same association.  We even go to shows together.  Sarah has not had the same drama, (especially the people related drama) that I had to go through.  

I am jealous of that.

But I also know a lot of it has to do with our friendship and her connection to other Newbies in the Club.  I have helped steer her through and past the drama.  And I want to do that for you to.    

It's hard to reach out for help.  We are all scared of feeling judged, getting criticised for doing the wrong thing.  Let me give you a place to learn and get support.  A place to share the joy that your new hobby can bring. 

Newbie Member Success Stories

"I'm so grateful for everything you are doing for everyone here"

 I'm so grateful for everything you are doing for everyone here. You are such an amazing woman to do this. It must be using up so much time to do all these videos for us all. Thank you again Pamela!

Kim B

"It’s a wonderful feeling knowing that if I need help I can get it here"

I really feel like I have grown so much since joining this club, I’m more confident in my decisions and have learnt so much but humble enough to know that there is so much more to learn.  It’s a wonderful feeling knowing that if I need help I can get it here. So I guess this is a appreciation post to Pamela and everyone in the group for making cat breeding for beginners a beautiful place 😻.

Juanita L

"We all support and help one another"

"Brilliant videos Pamela thank you again and for this wonderful group where we all support and help one another. "

Gemma L

"Making new friends is a bonus"

This was so wonderful Pamela, you have done a great job. Knowing that there is help here when we need it, between you and all the others is fantastic. Making new friends is a bonus

Morgan L

Transform Your Hobby

Let Me Share A Case Study With You

I got a message to my Facebook page in December 2023.  A breeder contacted me as she saw some content I shared about desexing and retiring breeding cats.  She was done.  Completely over her hobby and wanting to desex all of her breeding cats and rehome them.  I was ready to help of course but first I asked her why.

And then it all came out....

She had a minority breed that had cost her thousands and thousands for her first breeding cats.  A couple of girls and a boy.  But she didn't get any help or guidance with her cats.  Just the cats.  And they were making her life, (and her families life) hell. 

The boy was at her dad's and, whilst great company for him, he smelled bad.  Real bad.   The girls were living loose in the house and peeing on everything from schoolbags to the toaster.  One of them peed on her husbands t-shirt just as he was about to put it on.  She couldn't do it anymore and the dream of breeding these cats she loved so much had turned completely sour.  

So we talked.  And I said why not wait just a minute.  Because desexing is final and you have come so far and spent so much.  Give me a chance to help you.  And I did.  I gave her some instant, right now ways to make things better instantly.  Then I talked to her about planning her next steps and using what she had available in terms of space and resources.  And then I said join my New Cat Breeders Club.

Because I knew that the information in the Club together with the collective wisdom of the community we have created would help her. 

We could rescue her dream.  

She joined.  And she shared an incredibly vulnerable post about her cats, her hobby and how it had all gone wrong.  No one judged her, no one said you did this wrong or blamed her for her situation.  The other Newbies shared kindness and told her their experiences and how they made changes that she could make too.  

Within a month of joining she had her stud cat sorted with plans to make him a new outdoor, weather appropriate run.  Her girls got a fabulous loft enclosure made with ideas and material recommended by other members.  Fast forward to now and she has shared litters of beautiful kittens from her happy cats. 

Her dreams are coming true.

You might not be at the same point of giving up that she was.  But you might need some help.  And more importantly you might need some support.  A positive place to talk about what's going wrong, a place to share your successes.  You might need a mentor to help teach you some of the lessons they have learned in twenty plus years of cat breeding.  

The New Cat Breeders Club can help you make progress and we would love to see you in there.


What's in the New Cat Breeders Club membership? 

You'll receive the following awesomeness

New Cat Breeders Hub Community 

This is a huge part of why the New Cat Breeders Club is so special.  An EXCLUSIVE Facebook group where the only people allowed in are other Newbies just like you.  So positive and supportive.

Monthly Theme Masterclass & Q&A

Every month we learn a new topic with a 15 minute Q&A video answering a burning question on the subject.  Then there is a recorded masterclass which might be a lesson, lecture or case study.  Very practical and very easy to understand just perfect for Newbies.

Direct Access To Pamela

Newbies often need direct, one on one help to answer questions and deal with dramas that they may not want to share in the Hub.  Direct access to Pamela, your own personal Cat Breeding Coach via messenger is available to all members. 

Library Of Past Topics

All of the past monthly themes are available to all members so if you missed a topic you can go back and revisit it.  It is an on demand library of helpfulness just for Newbies.

Extra Resources 

All sorts of other things that will help you become a better cat breeder.  From kitten contracts to emails swipe files and health information. We also have an events calendar and a "Newbie Of The Month" Hall Of Fame.

A Donation On Your Behalf 

A monthly donation will be made on your behalf to the Feline Health Research Fund for research grants into health issues that affect all cats.  You will be learning and helping at the same time.


The Journey

What's possible as a member of the New Cat Breeders Club


Kitten Class

You have decided that you would love to breed cats but you are not sure where to begin.

You don’t have any breeding cats yet and are nervous and confused about what to do next but excited to get started


Junior Class 

After lots of research and looking you have your starter cats

You have been through the mating process and the waiting game to see if your girl is pregnant.


Adult Class 

You have raised your first litter from newborn to weaning and on to adoption

Finding new homes was challenging but you found the right family for each kitten.


Senior Class

You have happy and healthy adult cats from other breeders as well ones you bred yourself.

They are well cared for with purpose-built accommodation.
You have more than one litter at a time and manage all that needs to be done with them. 


Veteran Class 

You have bred several generations and are clear and confident on what your breeding goals are.

You have dealt with the emotions of rehoming and even losing some of your cats. 

You have also learned how to deal with the drama of the cat fancy and don’t let other people stop you from enjoying your hobby. 


You're 3 steps away from transforming your hobby

It's that easy to get started making amazing progress as a New Cat Breeder.

Join The Club

Sign up below to join the New Cat Breeders Club and get your login information.  This will get you logged into our members only club area.  

Go Through The Welcome Process

There is an onboarding process to guide you through how to get the most out of the club, step by step.  It sets you up to maximise your membership.

Join Our Members Only Facebook Hub

This is where the magic happens.  Once you put in your request to join the hub you will be able to access a group of other new breeders who are there, ready to help and support you.  You can learn so much from each other.  It's super positive and friendly.  A great safe space.  


Ready to Join?

One of the things I hear over and over in the New Cat Breeders Club is

"I wish I joined sooner"

It's more than just the help, advice and support.  It's a mindset shift.  Going from being unsure and stressed about doing things the right way to feeling happy and sure of what you are doing. 

How do you want to feel about your hobby in six months time?  It's too much and you are giving up, all that investment of time love and money gone to waste?  Or do you want to feel excited and enjoying the ride ready for what comes next?   

New Cat Breeders Club

$15.99 AUD


  • Access to the New Cat Breeders Club Members Only Portal

  • Access to the New Cat Breeders Club Hub Community

  • Monthly Donation to the Feline Health Research Fund on your behalf


Do you want happiness & joy from your hobby?

The New Cat Breeders Club is the BEST way to learn how to breed happy, healthy cats with confidence.

It's a space for you to connect, learn and engage with other new breeders.

Let's enjoy this rewarding hobby together.

Ready to Join?

One of the things I hear over and over in the New Cat Breeders Club is

"I wish I joined sooner"

It's more than just the help, advice and support.  It's a mindset shift.  Going from being unsure and stressed about doing things the right way to feeling happy and sure of what you are doing. 

How do you want to feel about your hobby in six months time?  It's too much and you are giving up, all that investment of time love and money gone to waste?  Or do you want to feel excited and enjoying the ride ready for what comes next?   

New Cat Breeders Club

$15.99 AUD


  • Access to the New Cat Breeders Club Members Only Portal

  • Access to the New Cat Breeders Club Hub Community

  • Monthly Donation to the Feline Health Research Fund on your behalf


Do you want happiness & joy from your hobby?

The New Cat Breeders Club is the BEST way to learn how to breed happy, healthy cats with confidence.

It's a space for you to connect, learn and engage with other new breeders.

Let's enjoy this rewarding hobby together.

Still Unsure?


The New Cat Breeders Club is a month to month membership so you are not locked in.

If you decide it's not for you then you can cancel and the payments stop.   

We've Got Your Questions Covered